Friday, June 1, 2007

Sad News: Another Panda Lost

My day is not going well. I have personal issues with which to contend. I don't have the support that I need or want. And now, after my recent happiness, I read this in the paper:

The first panda bred in captivity and released into the wild has died in China after less than a year... The body of the 5-year-old panda, Xiang Xiang, was found Feb. 19. "Xiang Xiang died of serious internal injuries in the left side of his chest and stomach by falling from a high place," Heng Yi, an official from the Wolong Giant Panda Research Center in Sichuan, said in a telephone interview Thursday. "The scratches and other minor injuries caused by other wild pandas were found on his body," Heng said. "So Xiang Xiang may have fallen from trees when being chased by those pandas."

He said the announcement of the death was delayed because of the need for an investigation.

Zhang Hemin cautions us that this does not mean failure for the project aiming to return captive born pandas to the wild.

I know. But I'm still sad.

Xiang Xiang

1 comment:

Jo-jo said...

Aww, I find this sad too.
I'm suprised you didn't mention the death of Mao Mao, another Panda that died in the Earthquake of 2008.
I enjoyed feeding her in summer 2007 when I visited the Wolong centre.
Jo-jo x