Monday, April 28, 2008

From me, To me

Every year. for my birthday, I always treat myself to something special. On Sunday, my friend Judith treated me to a mani-pedi, we had excellent Thai food (and Thai iced tea for me and Thai iced coffee for her)and browsed the stacks at Barnes and Noble. I bought myself:

Vogue Knitting magazine
Sew Stylish magazine
Vogue Patterns magazine
I've decided to make a decision to live my life now, and not wait for some day to be this perfect, happy person. I am going to find a way to incorporate more knitting and sewing in my life. I have the time, space, and resources to really pursue creating some of my clothing NOW. I don't need to wait for some day dream life in the future that will never happen.

2-at-a-time Socks by Melissa Morgan-Oaks

My friend Mary pretty much said you can't knit two socks at once. (She won't even discuss DPNs, which I find hysterical. This woman knit a fair isle sweater that is as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. She has knit stuffed toys. She has knit a Vera Wang style sweater for cats for Crazy Aunt Purl.) I'm motivated to try this technique. Will this (eventually) be a commuter friendly project?
Oh yeah, which made the purchase of this a necessity:

And to round out the order, I purchased the newest Gedifra Highlights. You know, just to justify the shipping.

THe Lobotomist by Jack El-hai.
I've been waiting to read this for some time. I've long since forgotten where I saw it recommended, but I remember it as another side to the main who pioneered the lobotomy as treament for mental illness. I have been doing alot of reading on the internet lately on this subject.

Quick and Easy Tarot (I'm honestly alittle embarassed by this. Not by the Tarot cards, I already have a set. And two books on the subject. I'm embarassed by the fact that I still need "cheat notes." But hey, if it works, it works.)
Each card has the meaning printed right on the card.

Exoect to hear more on this issue. It isn't so much a mystery to me, this book is somewhat basic for me. But I needed a place to start my personal journey, and this one is written by a patient.
PS The first time, I totally typed "lobata-MOIST." OMG.

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